News 2014
Updates from NEFE in 2014.
U.S. Teens Average in Financial Capability
July 09, 2014
An international financial literacy assessment finds American teenagers struggle to demonstrate competitive financial knowledge on the world stage. Among 18 participating countries and economies, the U.S. ranks between 8th and 12th place in financial aptitude.
Study Finds College Grads Confront Rocky Transition to Self-Sufficiency
June 11, 2014
The majority of young adults are struggling to achieve financial security in their transition from college to adulthood, according to the latest report from a longitudinal study co-sponsored by NEFE. Arizona Pathways to Life Success for University Students (APLUS), an investigation at the University of Arizona that follows young adults from their college years to the workforce, is discovering how this time of passage affects financial attitudes, behaviors and overall well-being.