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Research Grants Awarded Since 2006


NEFE Announces New Addition to Board of Trustees

NEFE welcomes new leadership to its Board of Trustees, bringing fresh perspectives to advance financial education and equity. Meet the newest members.

Prospect for an Economically Thriving Native Nation Seven Generations Out

By Stephanie Cote

Discover how financial education is shaping resilient Native communities, preserving traditions, and driving economic empowerment.

Morgan State University, UCLA Receive Grant Funding For Equity Research In Financial Education

NEFE empowers equity-focused financial education through groundbreaking research grants awarded to Morgan State University and UCLA

Poll: 47% of U.S. Adults Believe Personal Finances Will be Impacted by 2024 Election Results

New NEFE poll shows high price of essential goods, insufficient income, and home payment as top sources of stress leading into 2024 election.

Financial Education Innovation & Impact Summit Explores, Shapes New Trends For The Field

NEFE President and CEO Billy Hensley describes the 2024 Summit in one word: “Energy”—bringing together top minds to tackle the future of financial education.

NEFE Names Newest Innovation Award, Impact Award Recipients

At the 2024 FEI&I Summit, NEFE recognized leaders driving financial education forward with its Innovation and Impact Awards. Discover the recipients making a difference.

Poll: 3 In 4 Student Loan Holders Have Had To Make Budgetary Adjustments Since End Of Loan Payment Pause

Discover how the latest NEFE poll illuminates the financial adjustments borrowers made following the end of the student loan payment pause.

Successes of Grassroots, Native-led Financial Education

By Stephanie Cote

The power of Native-led financial education as traditional wisdom meets modern finance to uplift and empower Native communities.

Respect Legislative Intent with Youth Financial Education Requirements

By Billy J. Hensley, Ph.D., President and CEO National Endowment for Financial Education

Are high schools giving students and educators the tools they need? Dive into the discussion of the importance of implementing stand-alone financial education courses in high schools to ensure students receive comprehensive and equitable financial literacy.

Financial Literacy Graduation Requirements by State

In 2023, West Virginia HB 3113 , Indiana SB 35, Connecticut SB 1165 , Minnesota HF 2497 , Louisiana HB 103 , Oregon SB 3, Wisconsin AB 109 and Pennsylvania SB 843 all passed through the legislature and were signed by each state’s Governor.

This brings the number of states that now have a financial literacy graduation requirement for all students to 26. For more information about developments from 2024, see NEFE’s Legislative Review Report.

NEFE Research

Supporting research in the field of financial well-being.

NEFE promotes a better understanding of personal finance by identifying and investigating the financial issues affecting people's lives. We advance effective financial education through research studies, symposia, think tanks and round table discussions.

NEFE funds rigorous, innovative and actionable research that seeks to improve the public's financial well-being and has the potential to make a profound contribution to our field.

Our research values drive this work.

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