
Beck Honored With Visionary Leadership Award

Ted Beck and Laura Levine

NEFE President and CEO Ted Beck received the William E. Odom Visionary Leadership Award April 5 for his dedication to building a financially literate future for young Americans. Laura Levine, president and CEO of the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, presented the award on behalf of Jump$tart.

“In any discussion of the most influential leaders in financial literacy, Ted Beck’s name will always come up in the top few,” says Levine. “Ted’s significant contributions to the field have focused on effectiveness and innovation, so it seems fitting to bestow this award.”

Under Beck’s leadership since 2005, NEFE has developed new programs for college students, consumers and intermediaries, as well as provided support and guidance for financial education research and national initiatives such as three Presidential advisory councils on financial capability.

Beck also has served on the Jump$tart board of directors since 2005, becoming chairman from 2011 through 2016. “Ted has led NEFE — and the financial capability field as a whole — to make significant contributions to research and to financial education,” notes Mike Staten, Jump$tart chairman and director of the Take Charge America Institute at the University of Arizona.


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