Performance Timeline
If we invite you to submit a full proposal, we will ask you to break your project into milestones. These milestones create your performance timeline, which we will formalize in our grant agreement. We require a written progress report at each milestone, in addition to the key deliverables you've outlined in your proposal. NEFE releases funding in installments, making payments at each of your milestones.
Messaging and Dissemination
When you submit materials for your final milestone, we will follow up with a meeting to discuss your project and devise a plan to share the findings. We will continue to work closely with you as our research team reviews your results and develops a dissemination plan. We also may arrange media interviews and facilitate efforts to disseminate your research results within the financial education field, the academic community and the general public.
Spirit of Collaboration
While we support independence in conducting research projects, we also value a spirit of collaboration with our grantees.
As such, keep in mind that:
- We ensure that project outcomes are available to the public free of cost or limited to the actual cost of making it available.
- The grantee retains copyrights, and NEFE has the license to use and distribute the intellectual property created throughout the project for educational purposes.
- We take an active interest in every project’s progress, and we are very involved in outreach at its conclusion, which may include media distribution.