
Our Research Values


We join forces with researchers who are developing new scales, measures and tools that further demonstrate the impact of our field; NEFE-funded scholars who are contributing rigorous research in a variety of disciplines; leaders who drive thoughtful discussion as a springboard to collective action; practitioners and policymakers who seek out data and research to inform their work; and emerging academics as they establish their careers. We build community, make connections, work with—and listen to—diverse voices, and bring a spirit of cooperation and teamwork to advance our mission more effectively and vibrantly.


We ensure awarded scholars, prospective grantees, researchers and leaders in our field know NEFE’s strategic vision and can draw a clear line from decision making to demonstrated impact. We demystify funding opportunities through open communication and easily accessible information. We support research that reliably provides a precise accounting of research design, methodology and limitations.


We create easy access to funding opportunities by elevating exceptional customer service and removing unnecessary barriers. We foster innovation and creativity by taking on risks that others cannot. Our investments benefit the broader field by providing open access to data, research findings and capacity building within the research community—especially for early career scholars and graduate students. We narrow the power gaps that exist in funding relationships and respect the time and experiences of potential awardees and scholars seeking funds.


By funding projects that align with our stated goals and priorities, we breathe life into a research agenda that continuously elevates rigor. We unite individuals with diverse perspectives and backgrounds to harness collective expertise for the good of our field. We value a research-to-practice approach and highlight relevant applications within a carefully curated body of work. We share what we learn.

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Join us for our 2nd Financial Education Innovation and Impact Summit in Denver, Oct. 8-10

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